Saturday, January 9, 2021

MCL - Messages from the National & Department Commandants

Marine Corps League - Department of New York E-Blast
In this e-blast:

  • A Message from National Commandant Dennis Tobin
  • Vaccination update from Department Commandant Wortmann

In light of yesterday's events at the Capitol, I want to remind all our members that as per our charter and by-laws we are a non-political organization. That means, we do not discuss politics at our meetings, events or functions or anywhere the Marine Corps League is represented. This includes all Marine Corps League social media sites, to include, National, Department, and Detachment level social media sites.

You are free to discuss anything you wish on your personal social media sites, and anywhere the Marine Corps League is not represented. Our public relations people are aware of the situation and will remove any political comments or discussions, and if necessary block people from Marine Corps League sites. Please keep your comments and discussions to your personal social media sites. We respect everyone's opinion and freedom of speech as long as it does not draw attention to the Marine Corps League.

Semper Fidelis
Dennis Tobin
National Commandant
Marine Corps League

Vaccination update from Department Commandant Wortmann

Marines and members of the Department of New York,

I have received word from various New York Veterans groups that the VA's center state wide that were on the list to receive the vaccine are finally getting it. Two locations in New York City now have it, please check with your main VA center to see if they have also started to receive the vaccine.

There may or may not be a list but it does not hurt to check with your primary VA doctor. I was told by the VA that there was no list, yet three fellow NY veterans told me there was so I went back to my primaries nurse and she said "Technically there is no list but we are keeping a list of those veterans who asked for it" Marines, I strongly suggest, you ask for it.

If you are not in the VA system, I strongly suggest you get in it and use it from time to time. Don't let anyone, including the VA tell you that you are not eligible. If you served on active duty, you are eligible. In the long run this will be very beneficial to you. Even if you only get one flu shot a year, that keeps you on the active list.

Meanwhile stay safe. Wear a mask in public, wash your hands and keep away from strangers. Remember that 90% of our membership is over 65, some over 75 so just be careful and not foolish, you can only harm yourself or your loved ones.

I hope to see you at the staff meeting in Suffern. Wear a mask, and we will have hand sanitizer available. If you do not feel safe and do not wish to attend, we totally understand.

Semper Fi.

Tom Wortmann
Marine Corps League-Department of New York

Questions/Comments: Contact the Adjutant, Steve Topilnycky at
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