Friday, May 1, 2020

American Legion - Message from the Department of New York Adjutant

Legionnaires, SAL members, Legion Riders,

                       Good morning, I hope this email finds you, your family and friends in good health and spirits. During these trying times it sometimes seems there is no end to this pandemic but please remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We will get through this and come out stronger in the end. I am writing to you today from our HQ in Troy as I have spent a few days up here attending to Department business. We have secured an SBA loan/grant to assist in our expenses. A big thank you to Anne Rounds, who continues to maintain our Troy office and is a great asset to the Department. Her assistance to our accountants and Berkshire Bank were pivotal in our securing this loan / grant. I would advise all the Posts in the Department to attempt to avail yourselves of these SBA loan/grants. Please contact your accountant or local bank for guidance and assistance.   

                   Our Baseball Chairman and his committee have been working diligently to maintain our DNY baseball season and have a series of plans on the drawing board to accommodate any new guidelines that may lessen our gathering restrictions. In order to maintain this vital endeavor for the youth of our communities, they have a plan to extend the season past the normal ending date to accommodate more games if necessary. The Golf Chairman has also held off on cancelling the golf outing also in hopes of lesser restrictions from the Federal and State Government. All our actions on when we resume normal activities are dependent on the actions of Governor Cuomo and the local municipalities you reside in. I implore you to strictly follow all safety guidelines as the are issued in your area. 

                  The National American Legion has approved our request to have the National Commander visit us next year for the visits he had to cancel this year. Commander Oxford will visit the 5th District on April 14th, 2021, the 3rd & 4th Districts on April 15th, 2021 and the 1st,9th,2nd and 10th Districts on April 16th, 2021. I know that Commander Oxford and his aide were deeply disappointed they could not come back and see more of our Great State as they had such a wonderful time when they were here to visit us in November.

                   It gives me great pleasure to announce to all of you that Jim Troiola has been selected to become the trailing candidate for the high office of National Commander of the American Legion in October of 2021. If elected, he will become the National Commander at the National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina in 2023. 

                   Jim has served in many capacities at the Post, County, District, Department and National levels. Most recently he served as National Vice Commander in 2016-2017. He currently is the Chairman of the American Legion National Legislative Commission.

                  He is a proud Paid up for Life 28-year member of the William E. DeBevoise Jr. Post 1682 located in New City, NY.

                  Jim will represent The Department of New York with distinction and honor.  He knows there is a great future for The American Legion. His theme of “Mentoring for Posterity” has been an avenue for membership retention for many years. Mentoring members of our Posts to turn them into future leaders has been his message since he first became Post Commander. On a personal note, I have known Jim for over 20 years and have found him to be one of the most dedicated Legionnaires I have ever known. He will do an outstanding job as the leader of this great organization.

                  In closing today, I want to thank all the Posts and Squadrons on their efforts to assist their communities with food baskets, free meals and gift bags. These outreaches have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated by The American Legion Department of New York, The National American Legion and our elected officials. This is what we have done and lived by for over 100 years and I am sure that those Legionnaires that have gone to their eternal reward are looking down on us and smiling. God Bless each and every one of you.

    “ Pro Deo et Patria “
    James W. Casey
    Department of New York


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